Arduino Nano MPU6050 Motion-Based Robot Head Movement | KitKraft DIY Robotics Project

Arduino Nano MPU6050 Motion-Based Robot Head Movement | KitKraft DIY Robotics Project

Are you looking to build an exciting motion-based robotics project? In this blog, we'll walk you through creating a motion-controlled robot head using an Arduino Nano, MPU6050 motion sensor, and an SG90 servo motor. This project is perfect for enthusiasts wanting to explore the fascinating world of motion sensors and robotics.

Project Overview

The Arduino Nano MPU6050 Motion-Based Robot Head Movement project demonstrates how a motion sensor can be used to control the movement of a robot's head. The MPU6050 gyroscope and accelerometer sensor detects tilt, and based on the readings, the SG90 servo motor moves the robot's head accordingly.

Components Required

To get started, you'll need the following components:

  1. Arduino Nano

  2. MPU6050 Accelerometer & Gyroscope Module

  3. SG90 Servo Motor

  4. Breadboard and Jumper Wires

  5. USB Cable for Arduino Nano

  6. Power Source (Battery or USB)

Circuit Diagram

To assemble the circuit, follow the schematic diagram provided in our GitHub repository:

Github link

Wiring Instructions:

  • MPU6050 to Arduino Nano:

    • VCC -> 3.3V

    • GND -> GND

    • SCL -> A5

    • SDA -> A4

  • SG90 Servo to Arduino Nano:

    • VCC -> 5V

    • GND -> GND

    • Signal -> D9

Working Principle

  1. The MPU6050 sensor detects tilt movements along the X-axis.

  2. The Arduino processes the tilt data and maps it to servo positions.

  3. The servo motor moves the robot's head to the corresponding angle.

  4. As the orientation of the MPU6050 changes, the robot's head follows the motion.


  • Humanoid robotics

  • Gesture-controlled systems

  • Interactive displays

  • DIY robotics projects

Watch the Project in Action

Check out our YouTube video demonstrating the project in action:

Watch on YouTube


This Arduino Nano MPU6050 Motion-Based Robot Head Movement project is a great way to get hands-on experience with motion sensors and robotics. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced maker, this DIY project will help you understand motion tracking and servo control.

Got any questions? Feel free to leave a comment or reach out to us.

Happy Making with KitKraft!